The third edition of the Tournament of Towns on the Mazovian Princes' Trail took place on a blistering hot Saturday afternoon of July 2.
Its location, the park in the town of Sanniki, was most beautiful. Seven teams competed for the title, representing the towns of Sanniki (host), Przasnysz, Gora Kalwaria, Zwolen, Ostrow Mazowiecka, Gostynin, and Warka. The latter, named Prince Trojden's Team (Druzyna Trojdena), was represented this time by The Casimir Pulaski Museum staff: team captain Iwona Stefaniak, Ewa Bajorynska, Janusz Kreczmanski, Wojciech Kaczmarek, Marek Rokita, and Bartlomiej Kuna.
The Sanniki roulette among the most feared competitions
Teams engaged in five sports and had to showcase their strength, speed, wit, and luck which, much like in life, happened when preparation met opportunity.
The first sport, tug of war, involved pulling a sleigh, whose manufacture made the town of Sanniki famous in the Middle Ages. Given that the forests surrounding the town were full of game, the organizers decided on a wild boar as the unlikely weight. The emotions were genuine, unlike the boar.
The second sport rewarded manual dexterity and teamwork, and involved tying a braid using three-meter-long ropes (almost 10 ft.).
The third sport, the Sanniki roulette, put the teams' luck to the test. Each team had to make a fateful decision to choose a goblet filled with wine and not poison out of sixty possible ones! Needless to say, they faced not only their competition, but also a fair deal of risk. The team which choose correctly was given points, whereas the less lucky ones were eliminated.
The teams who had survived the Sanniki roulette fought one another during a battle on a balance beam suspended in the air. Team members were given hay sacks, which they would use to knock the opponent off the beam. Everyone who fell off the beam or even touched the ground was instantaneously eliminated.
The last trial, carrying sand bags, tested strength and speed. All competing team members carried sand bags and their times were summed to give a result.
The Warka team managed to score two wins: we were the fastest to tie a braid and to carry sand bags. We proudly finished in the fourth place, having lost only one point to the team in third place.
The next edition of the Tournament of Towns on the Mazovian Princes' Trail is scheduled on July 23 in Ostrow Mazowiecka. On August 20, Warka will become the host. Teams will compete in the picnic area in Winiary park.
Join us and cheer on the Trojden's Team from Warka!
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