cyfrowa biblioteka muzeumThe library of the Casimir Pulaski Museum in Warka consists of several thousand items. It includes rare Polish-American publications released in the U.S., books and journals on the subject, old prints, relevant newspapers and magazines, and interesting postcards. The collection also contains unique publications about the Hero of Two Nations.

The Museum has entered into an agreement with the Municipal Public Library in Radom, thanks to which a part of the Museum collection is going to be available via the Radom Digital Library online platform completely free of charge. The digital collection of the Casimir Pulaski Museum in Warka is due to be complemented on a regular basis, so do not forget to follow us to be notified of the new arrivals!





panel biblioteka cyfrowa




The manor in Warka-Winiary is a museum, but, after all, it is also a home. For over 300 years, the manor changed owners, bustled with life, witnessed history and human experiences. Following owners and evolving fashion trends affected its architectural shape and decor. Today, after a general renovation, we can say that this home regained its former glory and manages to capture the spirit of traditional Polish hospitality by inviting anyone and everyone who wants to cross its threshold for a visit. Here, you are certain to learn not only about the fate of the exceptional man who was Casimir Pulaski, but also feel the atmosphere of an old noble house

ekspozycje stale kp

The permanent exhibition in the manor shows Casimir Pulaski's life in Poland and America, at the same time featuring other Poles who made contributions to the social, political and cultural life in the United States. Over the years, the Museum has been gathering items connected with Tadeusz Kosciuszko, Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz, Helena Modjeska, and Ignacy Jan Paderewski.

The stylish interiors give the impression of touring the house of a wealthy Polish nobleman. We can see sets of furniture, paintings (mostly portraits and battle scenes), textiles, clocks, weapons, silver, porcelain, as well as old documents, maps and prints. Own exhibits are complemented by loans from partner museums, including the National Museum in Warsaw, The Liw Castle (Muzeum Zbrojownia na Zamku w Liwie), and the Historical Museum of the City of Krakow.

IMG 7688We offer interesting audio guides in Polish and English, especially popular with individuals and groups of 18 or less (18 sets available). Especially noteworthy is a tour for children aged seven through fifteen.

Rental fee: PLN 5 per set.





Witamy w sklepiku Muzeum im. Kazimierza Pułaskiego. W ofercie znajdą Państwo publikacje naukowe i popularnonaukowe tematycznie związane z działalnością Muzeum. W naszym sklepiku znajdą Państwo również przewodniki po ekspozycji, katalogi wystaw, informatory, komiksy poświęcone bohaterom historycznym Warki, plakaty, karty pocztowe, medale, a także pamiątki muzealne.  

Z całą ofertą sklepiku zapoznają się Państwo klikając tu: Link

Zamówienia można składać na adres: lub telefonicznie 48/667 22 67. Wysyłki realizowane są w czasie godzin pracy administracji Muzeum, tj.
od poniedziałku – do piątku w godz. 8.00 -16.00.




Latitude: 51.78849
Longitude: 21.20443

zwiedzanie muzeumZespół pałacowo-parkowy w Warce-Winiarcah - Muzeum im. Kazimierza Pułaskiego, to miejsce niezwykłe, oddalone zaledwie 55 km na południe od Warszawy, blisko trasy S7 z Krakowa do Warszawy.

Muzeum czynne jest od środy do niedzieli. Do zabytkowego parku zapraszamy codziennie od rana do wieczora.
Pałac Pułaskich to wyjątkowe wnętrza przepełnione zabytkowymi meblami, tkaninami, porcelaną, malarstwem portretowym i batalistyczny, dawnymi sztychami i mapami. Zabytkowy park w Winiarach to połączenie przypałacowego ogrodu z naturalnym środowiskiem rzeki Pilicy, to połączenie klasycystycznej architektury i piękna przyrody. Muzeum, w ramach dbałości o genius loci, przypomina ludzi współtworzących historię tego niezwykłego zakątka. W ostatnich latach zespół pałacowo-parkowy w Warce-Winiarach przeszedł proces rewitalizacji. Serdecznie zapraszamy.

wystawa warkaUpstairs in the Pulaski’s Palace, in two halls of the western part, from 6 November 2015, a modern, multimedia exhibition devoted to the history of Warka will be held.

The exhibition “Warka – the town touched with history” will present the rich history of Warka, one of the oldest towns of Mazovia. Conceptual design of the exhibition was created in 2012, based on perennial queries and work of substantive team of the museum. In 2013, the executive design of the exhibition was created. The author of the project is ARWENA – Ewa Swider-Grobelna and Adam Grobelny. Both the conceptual and executive design were funded by the commune of Warka.

The exhibition is realized in 2015 thanks to a grant of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, Cultural Heritage Program, the task: support of museum activities, as well as the specific subsidy of the commune of Warka and Grojec Disctrict. The sponsor of the exhibition is Grupa Zywiec – Warka Brewery.

The concept of the exhibition assumes the presentation of the history of Mazovian town, from the beginning to the present day. In the first hall, there are items related to the town in times of peace and social life concentrated. In the second hall, battle and war topic affecting the town (war times) is presented. Topics and main threads will be presented based on time axis shaped in the space. They will be identified at the same time by the references existing in Warka today the names of streets corresponding to historical characters and events. The narration of the exhibition has been conducted in an interesting and multi-layered manner, taking into account the innovative trends in museology and authorial scenographic installations. An additional exposition layer was transferred to multimedia solutions, which will enrich, make more attractive and broaden the exposition.

The exhibition will be available in two languages (Polish and English). It is intended for a wide audience. A significant part of the exhibition, in educational form, will be addressed to children and school students. We invite you from 6 November 2015.


The exhibition was financed by:

Minister of Culture and National Heritage

Citi and Community of WARKA

County of Grójecki

Museum of Casimir Pulaski in Warka



Żywiec SA Group – WARKA Brewery

Prima Sp. z o.o.

Warwin SA


The creators of the exhibition "Warka – the town touched with history"

Curator / Iwona Stefaniak

The scenario of the exhibition, the development of substantive / Iwona Stefaniak, Karol Kucharski

Cooperation / Ewa Bajoryńska, Janusz Kreczmański, Bartłomiej Kuna

Care substantive, consultations, proofreading / dr Remigiusz Matyjas

Translation / Joanna Łukasiak Hołych, Jacek Hołysz

Correction of English texts / Peter Obst


The exhibition project / ARWENA – Ewa Świder-Grobelna, Nela Mikołajewicz, Anna Pałgan

Supervision / Ewa Świder-Grobelna


GLIP Sp. z o.o. – Multimedia Presentation Production

PROMEDIO Michal Bednarski – Multimedia Equipment Supply, Installation, and Configuration

Extend Vision Sp. z o.o. – Decorations and Structural Elements


At the exhibition was used artifacts and materials from the collections of:

Museum of Casimir Pulaski in Warka

National Museum in Kraków

National Museum in Wrocław

National Museum in Warsaw

National Library in Warsaw

National Film Archive in Warsaw

Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw

National Library in Berlin

Mazovian Museum in Plock

Municipal and Communal Public Library in Warka

The Municipal Institution of Culture "Dworek na Długiej" in Warka

Parish. St. Nicholas Bishop in Warka

Parish. Our Lady of the Scapular in Warka

WARKA Brewery

PTTK branch of them. W. Krawczyk in Warka

Schools from the community Warka


Mirosława Bieniasa, Katarzyny Cieplak, Jana Dygi, Piotra Gawrońskiego, Elżbiety Grzelewskiej, Władysława Gwardysa, Andrzeja Guta, Antoniego Konowrockiego, Hanny Kowalskiej, Wiesława Knyzia, Edwarda Kozłowskiego, Władysława Kozłowskiego, Tadeusza Kulawika, Doroty Lenarczyk, Barbary Luks, Jadwigi Martyniak, Ewy Pawelczyk, Matyldy Regulskiej, Aldony Rzeźnik, Bożeny i Tadeusz Rosłoniów, Daniela Sukniewicza, Konrada Tokarzewskiego, Karola Tudreja, Piotra Wojsy, Wiesławy Zielonki.


Waldemar Tereszkiewicz,

Janusz Kreczmański, Igor Dziedzicki, Witold Batte,

Waldemar Dąbrówka, Bartłomiej Kuna, Konrad Sękowski, Andrzej Zaręba


Krzesimir Dębski - Polonez husarii, Atak Kozaków

Witold Grzelewski – Tango Warka

Kuba Szydło - the sounds of war


They gave interviews to the movies

Wiesław Buczkowski

Marta Celary

Antoni Grzelewski

Edward Kozłowski

Władysław Kozłowski

Władysław Gwardys


Consultations substantive regarding  medieval swords

dr Jarosław Ościłowski

Roman Postek - Armory Museum in Liw


Sincere thanks go to the creators of the concert "My city":


Moderato Municipal Orchestra under the direction of tamburmajorki Anny Kacprzyk

Bogdan Sabała, Kuba Szydło, Wojciech Koc, Maciej Zapart, Marek Wawro, Sławomir Klimczuk, Martyna, Sylwia i Damian Sabałowie, Stefan Posoch, Irena i Jacek Domańscy, Aldona Rzeźnik, Beata Ragan, Monika Wojciechowska, Zosia Wojciechowska, Kuba Domański, Michał Rzeźnik, Dariusz Rączka, chór dziecięcy ze Szkoły Podstawowej Nr 2 pod dyrekcją Marka Borowskiego, dźwiękiem opiekował się Artur Drabik.

For the presentation uses photographs from the collections of Jacka Matlakowskiego i Waldemara Tereszkiewicza

Written and directed concert

Anna i Leszek Owczarczykowie, Bogdan Sabała


Leszek Owczarczyk







The Casimir Pulaski Museum is closed on following holidays:

  • January 1, New Year's Day
  • January 6, Epiphany
  • Easter, from Saturday through Monday
  • May 1, May Day
  • Corpus Christi
  • August 15, Polish Armed Forces Day, and Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • November 1, All Saints' Day
  • December 24, Christmas Eve
  • December 25, Christmas Day

With us you will discover the beauty and magic of Winiary, the Pulaski’s Palace, its interiors and collections. Here you will learn about an extraordinary man, Polish and American hero – Kazimierz Pulaski, as well as other distinguished Poles, who had to emigrate from Poland to USA.

With us you will explore the history of Warka – one of the oldest towns in Mazovia. You will discover monuments of Warka and the region, learn about the legends and historical heroes.

In the old park you will encounter many species of birds, you will learn what characterizes the flora and fauna of the Pilica Valley and what an oxbow is.

Educational and natural path will lead you from the upper park just to river Pilica.
Our educational meetings are not just walking through the Palace exhibition and the park. There are also workshop, animation and art activities that engage participants.

We invite preschool and school groups of all ages to participate in museum classes. We encourage you to combine lessons with workshops and to take advantage of our educational packages.

We also organize educational meetings for organized groups, seniors and participants of the Universities of the Third Age. You are cordially invited.


Since its early days, The Casimir Pulaski Museum in Warka has gratefully received donations from individuals, businesses, and institutions in Poland and abroad. Thanks to these generous gestures, we have been able to open temporary exhibitions, publish books, renovate our collection, and much more. Our many sponsor facilitated the acquisition of exhibits needed after the Pulaski manor's renovation in 2015.

Currently, we are accepting donations to furbish and equip the Museum and Education Center, built in the years 2012-2015, and restore other Museum collections. We are also looking to invest in education and new exhibitions.

You can play a part in supporting The Casimir Pulaski Museum in Warka in many ways.


Donations made to The Casimir Pulaski Museum in Warka resulting in receiving the title of Donator are based on a donation agreement drafted in accordance with provisions of the Polish Civil Code. The parties to the agreement are: the individual or business willing to make a donation and the Museum. Such donations go to Museum's current activities in accordance with its statute. If the Donator chooses to support a specific target, their donation may and will be used only to serve this purpose. We accept following donations:

  • monetary, including long-term financial instruments,
  • real estate properties,
  • securities,
  • inheritance,
  • other property.

Targeted donations

In case of substantial donations (e.g. exceeding PLN 20,000), Donator may choose to make a targeted donation, which shall be detailed in the donation agreement. In particular, such donation may be used toward:

  • artwork acquisition
  • temporary exhibitions
  • education
  • public activities (open-air and travelling exhibitions, cultural and art events, and similar activities)
  • research and conferences
  • other projects implemented by the Museum.


Whenever the Museum holds cultural and educational events, it is possible to enter into a sponsorship deal in accordance with Polish law. Such deal facilitates a mutual exchange of goods and services, e.g. promotion and marketing in exchange for monetary contribution.

All individuals, businesses, and institutions in Poland and abroad interested in supporting The Casimir Pulaski Museum in Warka are asked to contact us at or +48 48 667 22 67.

Wire transfers shold be made to this account:

73 9154 0005 2001 0003 8654 0001