dzienspolecznika1We are thrilled to inform you that The Casimir Pulaski Museum in Warka has been awarded the "Senior Friendly Place" Certificate (certyfikat „Miejsce Przyjazne Seniorom”).

The program started with the Grojec Community Active Senior Network (Siec Aktywnych Seniorow Powiatu Grojeckiego), who determined the necessary criteria and worked out the rules and regulations of awarding the certificate. The board considered architectural adaptations, possibilities to take up sports activities, the welcoming atmosphere, and special offers aimed at the elderly. Only senior friendly institutions which meet those expectations and go out of their way to accommodate the elderly have received the certificate.
The award ceremony was held on November 25, 2016, at Chynow Hotel as part of the official celebrations connected with the Grojec Community Social Activist Day (Swieto Spolecznikow Powiatu Grojeckiego). The audience and guest list included members of the local government, representatives from various public institutions and private businesses, as well as local organizations. Director Iwona Stefaniak accepted the certificate on behalf of the Museum.
The Senior Friendly Place Certificate has been the icing on the cake for the Museum, which has worked tirelessly on dedicating part of its activities to the elderly members of our community. Both the historic Pulaski Manor and the Museum and Education Center are fitted with elevators and ramps for the disabled and elderly. We always have the elderly in mind while shaping our Museum's program. We offer them special lectures and meetings, and accommodate them financially through discounts for 65+ and admission free Thursdays.

dzienspolecznika2Upon request, we help organize meetings in the café with the sounds of the piano or violin. We highly recommend hikes along the educational nature trail through The Pilica River oxbow lake in the company of our professional guides, making campfires, enjoying chats in the romantic arbor, and organizing social events and concerts.
We thank the Board of the Grojec Community Active Senior Network for appreciating our Museum. We also thank W.A.R.K.A. Association (Stowarzyszenie W.A.R.K.A.) for this wonderful initiative.